The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

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American Tales (2nd Series)

10. Quaker Saul, the Idiot Spy; or, Luliona, the Seminole. A Tale of Men and Deeds of '76

The Arm Chair Library (Lupton)

The Broken Betrothal; or, Love Versus Hate
125. Blind Barbara's Secret; or, The History of a Heart

The Banner Weekly

The King of the Mines; or, The Invincible Two. A Companion Story to "Buffalo Bill's Bonanza," and a Romance in the Career of the Life Long Pards--Hon. W. F. Cody--"Buffalo Bill," and Dr. Frank Poivell--"White Beaver"

Beadle's American Library

76. Ruth Harland; or, The Maid of Weathersfield
80. The Mohegan Maiden; or, The Stranger of the Settlement

Beadle's Boy's Library of Sport, Story and Adventure (Octavo edition)

85. Captain Ralph, the Young Explorer; or, The "Centipede" among the Floes. A Narrative of Adventures in the Greenland Seas

Beadle's Boy's Library of Sport, Story and Adventure (Quarto edition)

33. Captain Ralph, the Young Explorer; or, The "Centipede" among the Floes. A Narrative of Adventures in the Greenland Seas

Beadle's Dime Novels

20. Florida; or, The Iron Will. A Story of To-day
98. Ruth Harland; or, The Maid of Weathersfield
107. The Peddler Spy; or, Dutchmen and Yankees. A Tale of the Capture of Good Hope
117. The Mohegan Maiden; or, The Stranger of the Settlement. A Story of King Philip's War

Beadle's Half-Dime Library

639. Sunrise Saul, the Express-Train Ferret; or, The Lame-Horse Miner's Quest

Beadle's New Dime Novels

124. The Peddler Spy; or, Dutchmen and Yankees. A Tale of the Capture of Good Hope
138. The Mohegan Maiden; or, The Stranger of the Settlement. A Story of King Philip's War
167. Ruth Harland; or, The Maid of Weathersfield
207. Florida; or, The Iron Will. A Story of To-day

Beadle's New York Dime Library

122. Saul Sabberday, the Idiot Spy; or, Luliona, the Seminole
424. Hawk Heron's Deputy; or, Nixey's Nip
574. Old Falcon's Double; or, The Great Detective's Finishing Stroke. A Tale of Detective Art and Adventure in New York and Abroad, Afloat and Ashore
667. The Buffalo Bill's Swoop; or, The King of the Mines. A Companion Story to "Buffalo Bill's Bonanza," and a Romance in the Career of the Life Long Pards--Hon. W. F. Cody--"Buffalo Bill," and Dr. Frank Poivell--"White Beaver"

The Boys of New York

The Prince of Rockdale School; or, A Fight for a Railroad

The Boys' Star Library

226. The Broken Bottle; or, A Jolly Good Fellow. A True Temperance Story

Frank Starr's American Novels

171. Saul Sabberday, the Idiot Spy; or, Luliona, the Seminole

Liberty Boys of '76

297. The Liberty Boys with Putnam; or, Good Work in the Nutmeg State
901. The Liberty Boys with Putnam; or, Good Work in the Nutmeg State

Nick Carter Library

107. The murder in the sleeping car, or, Nick Carter's ugly customer

Nick Carter Weekly

520. An automobile mystery, or, Nick Carter's bloodhound on the scent

Pluck and Luck

211. The Broken Bottle; or, A Jolly Good Fellow. A True Temperance Story
327. The Prince of Rockdale School; or, A Fight for a Railroad

The Saturday Journal

A Heart History; or, Blind Barbara's Secret

Tip Top Weekly

Dick Merriwell's Ginger; or, A Check for the Crimson
Dick Merriwell's Gun; or, The Mystery of the Covers
Frank Merriwell's Determination; or, Getting the Best of His Foes
Frank Merriwell's Fall; or, Tom, the Tramp Twirler
Frank Merriwell's Secret; or, Trying to Steal the Double Shoot
Frank Merriwell's Turn; or, Working the Winning Streak
215. Frank Merriwell's Favor; or, True as Steel
245. Frank Merriwell's Entertainments; or, Celebrating the Victories of Old Yale
555. Dick Merriwell's Staying Power; or, The Great Game at New Haven
561. Dick Merriwell in the Tank; or, Rushing the Regulars at Water Polo
582. Dick Merriwell's Respite; or, The Campers at Lake Calmface

Waverley Library (Octavo edition)

8. A Mad Marriage; or, The Iron Will
10. The Broken Betrothal; or, Love Versus Hate
117. A Life's Secret; or, Who Was She?

Waverley Library (Quarto edition)

19. The Broken Betrothal; or, Love Versus Hate
31. A Mad Marriage; or, The Iron Will
170. Blind Barbara's Secret; or, The History of a Heart
223. A Life's Secret; or, Who Was She?

Young Men of America

The Broken Bottle; or, A Jolly Good Fellow. A True Temperance Story