The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Subject/Tag - Bahamas

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The Buccaneer Midshipman; or, The Sea Rover's Ruse. A Romance of Sea and Shore in 1812


Motor Matt's Peril; or, Cast Away in the Bahamas


The Ocean Gipsy; or, The Buccaneer Bohemians


The Phantom Light-House; or, "Black Rock," the Smuggler Spy
The Phantom Pirate; or, The Water Wolves of the Bahamas. A Romance of Sea Mysteries in the Last Century
The Pirate Patrol; or, The Outlaw Cadet. A Tale of Gulf Waters and Ocean Trails


Red Wings, the Lone Sea Rover; or, The Gold Seekers of the Bahamas. A Story of Sea Brigands and Sea Heroes
The Rival Monte Cristos; or, The Sea Spiders. A Romance of American Waters


The Sea Shadower; or, The Freebooter's Legacy. A Romance of Sea Service in 1812
The Sea Sword; or, The Ocean Rivals
The Sea Thief; or, The Veiled Voyager's Mysterious Mission


The Wreck of the Albion. A Tale of the Sea