The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Subject/Tag - Larceny

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Beadle's Half-Dime Library

142. Handsome Harry, the Bootblack Detective

Beadle's Pocket Library

105. Handsome Harry, the Bootblack Detective

Fame and Fortune Weekly

Bound to Rise; or, Fighting His Way to Success
Dick, the Boy Lawyer; or, Winning a Big Fee
Seven Bags of Gold; or, How a Plucky Boy Got Rich

Nick Carter Weekly

15. Trim's round up in Detroit, or, A long chase ended in a hurry
24. Trim's run of luck, or, A case concluded ahead of time
28. Nick Carter at the track, or, How he became a dead game sport
33. Trim turns professor and teaches a lesson to a queer pupil
294. Nick Carter's handicap, or, Victory won in a canter
329. Nick Carter's clever capture, or, The tip that didn't work
391. A princess of the underworld, or, The mysterious burglary at Lake View
550. The lost bank president, or, Nick Carter takes a great big chance