The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Subject/Tag - Kansas City (Mo.)

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The Banner Weekly

Dan Dunn, The Soft-Hand Sport; or, Unmasking the Masks

Beadle's New York Dime Library

809. Dan Dunn, the Soft-Hand Sport; or, The Gambler Broker's Short-Stop

James Boys Weekly

107. The James Boys at the Great Fair; or, Daring Work in Kansas City

New York Detective Library

629. The James Boys at the Great Fair; or, Daring Work in Kansas City

Nick Carter Weekly

27. Trim in Kansas City, or, The detective's experiment in second sight
414. Dr. Quartz II. at bay, or, A man of iron nerve
415. The Great Hotel Murders; or, Dr. Quartz's Quick Move
416. Zanoni, the Woman Wizard; or, The ward of Dr. Quartz
417. The woman wizard's hate, or, A dangerous foe
788. Dr. Quartz II. at bay, or, Nick Carter's conflict with iron nerve

Tip Top Weekly

139. Frank Merriwell's father; or, The man with money to burn
140. Frank Merriwell's College Chums; or, Bart Hodge's Wonderful Shot
401. Frank Merriwell's New Move; or, Facing His Foes in Kansas City
421. Dick Merriwell's Base Running; or, The Man with the Icy Hand
611. Frank Merriwell in the Market; or, The Wolves of Wall Street