The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Subject/Tag - Shamans

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The Adventurous Life of "Nebraska Charlie" (Charles E. Burgess), the Boy "Medicine Man" of the Pawnees


Buffalo Bill and the boy in blue; or, The ghost dancers of the Bad Lands
Buffalo Bill and the redskin wizard; or, The mystery of Biting Adder
Buffalo Bill besieged or, Texas Kid's last trail
Buffalo Bill's avenging hand; or, Lariat Larry's last throw
Buffalo Bill's border raid; or, Fighting Redskins and greasers
Buffalo Bill's cold trail; or, The medicine woman of the Apaches
Buffalo Bill's Creek Quarrel; or, Long Rifle's Long Shot
Buffalo Bill's iron bracelets; or, Dauntless Dell's daring
Buffalo Bill's kid pard; or, Little Cayuse's tenstrike
Buffalo Bill's rattlesnake trail; or, The clue at the dance rock


The White Canoe; or, The Spirit of the Lake
The Wolf-Queen; or, The Giant Hermit of the Scioto