The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Subject/Tag - Prisons

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Beadle and Adams' Twenty Cent Novels

24. Gentleman George; or, Parlor, Prison, Stage and Street

Beadle's Half-Dime Library

148. Sharp Sam; or, The Adventures of a Friendless Boy, A Story of the Great City

Beadle's New York Dime Library

75. Gentleman George; or, Parlor, Prison, Stage and Street
794. Buffalo Bill's Winning Hand; or, The Masked Woman of the Colorado Canyon

Beadle's Pocket Library

71. Sharp Sam; or, The Adventures of a Friendless Boy, A Story of the Great City

Happy Days

Grecian Prison Life

Liberty Boys of '76

The Liberty Boys in Prison; or, The Escape from the Old Sugar House
463. The Liberty Boys and the Jailer; or, Digging Out of Captivity
995. The Liberty Boys in Prison; or, The Escape from the Old Sugar House
1067. The Liberty Boys and the Jailer; or, Digging Out of Captivity

Nick Carter Library

14. The 13's oath of vengeance, or, A criminal compact
59. Nick Carter at Sing Sing; or, In hot pursuit of an escaped criminal

Nick Carter Weekly

49. Nick Carter's hot pursuit; or, The trick of an escaped convict

The Saturday Journal

Gentleman George; or, Parlor, Prison, Stage and Street. A Strange Romance of New York Life
Sharp Sam; or, The Adventures of a Friendless Boy, A Story of the Great City

Secret Service: Old and Young King Brady, Detectives

365. The Bradys Sent to Sing Sing; or, After the Prison Plotters
1090. The Bradys Sent to Sing Sing; or, After the Prison Plotters