The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Subject/Tag - Tomahawks

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Beadle's American Library

72. The Doomed Hunter; or, The Tragedy of Forest Valley. A Story of the Early West

Beadle's Boy's Library of Sport, Story and Adventure (Octavo edition)

260. Redness Ralph's Risk; or, The Tell-Tale Clew

Beadle's Dime Novels

97. The Doomed Hunter; or, The Tragedy of Forest Valley. A Story of the Early West
169. The White Canoe; or, The Spirit of the Lake

Beadle's New Dime Novels

121. The Doomed Hunter; or, The Tragedy of Forest Valley. A Story of the Early West
125. The White Canoe; or, The Spirit of the Lake

Buffalo Bill Stories

184. Buffalo Bills Navajo ally; or, The war with the cave-dwellers
218. Buffalo Bill's Fiery Trail; or, Lone Bear's Paleface Pard
234. Buffalo Bill's tomahawk duel; or, Playing redskins at their own game
252. Buffalo Bill and the redskin wizard; or, The mystery of Biting Adder
421. Buffalo Bill's Steel-Arm Pard; or, Old Weasel-top's Mission
437. Buffalo Bill's Panhandle man hunt or, the Comanche tigers