The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Person - Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 1850-1919

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Items with "Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 1850-1919" as Cited Author

As You Go Through Life
At Set of Sun
Live it Down
The Two Glasses
What Does It Matter?
Worth While

Items with "Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 1850-1919" as Credited Author

"Love Is Enough" (1 edition)
An Adventure With Tramps (1 edition)
The Adventures of Miss Volney (4 editions)
An Ambitious Man (2 editions)
As You Go Through Life (2 editions)
Ask and Receive (1 edition)
At Set of Sun (4 editions)
August Westbrook's Wife (1 edition)
An Autumn Reverie (1 edition)
A Ballade of Ancient Puns (1 edition)
The Beautiful Land of Nod (1 edition)
Beyond (1 edition)
A Boy's Adventure with Tramps (3 editions)
Change (1 edition)
Changed (2 editions)
Christ's Promise (1 edition)
Confiders (1 edition)
Constancy (1 edition)
Cottage and Castle (1 edition)
Death's Protest (1 edition)
Deathless (2 editions)
Detective Kitty (2 editions)
The Disappointed (2 editions)
Dorothy's Mustn'ts (1 edition)
A Double Life (8 editions)
Earth's Vanity (2 editions)
The Engine (3 editions)
The Eternal Will (1 edition)
Faded Flowers (1 edition)
Faith (1 edition)
The Fault of the Age (1 edition)
Fishing (1 edition)
Foreshadowed (1 edition)
Gethsemane (2 editions)
The Gipsy's Prophesies (1 edition)
The Girl Who Laughed (1 edition)
God of Laughter (1 edition)
God's Mercy (1 edition)
Good in All (1 edition)
The Gossips (1 edition)
Half-Way (1 edition)
Haunted (2 editions)
Heaven (1 edition)
High Love Has No Place on Earth (1 edition)
High Noon (3 editions)
His Fleeting Ideal. A Romance of Baffled Hypnotism (3 editions)
Hope Daring's Conquest (1 edition)
How Could I Help It? (1 edition)
Hurry-Up and By-And-By (1 edition)
I Bide My Time (1 edition)
I Will Be Worthy of It (2 editions)
An Idyl (1 edition)
Illogical (1 edition)
In Heaven Without You (1 edition)
In the Bay-Window (1 edition)
In the Firelight (1 edition)
Incomplete (1 edition)
Insight (1 edition)
It Ever Has Been (1 edition)
The Journey (1 edition)
Keep Out Of The Past (1 edition)
The Lady of Tears (1 edition)
The Land of "Pretty Soon" (2 editions)
The Land of Dreams (1 edition)
The Land of Pretty Soon (1 edition)
The Land That is Best (1 edition)
Leaves (1 edition)
Let Them Alone (1 edition)
Life and Death (1 edition)
Life's Forest Trees (2 editions)
Life's Journey (1 edition)
Lisle's Flirtations (1 edition)
Live it Down (1 edition)
Long Ago (1 edition)
Lost (1 edition)
Love Grown Tired (1 edition)
Love Is All (1 edition)
Love's Burial (1 edition)
Love's Language (1 edition)
Love's Supremacy (1 edition)
May-Time (2 editions)
A Meeting (1 edition)
A Memory (1 edition)
Men, Women and Emotions (1 edition)
A Moment's Folly (1 edition)
The Moon (1 edition)
My Foe (1 edition)
My Ships (1 edition)
My Valentine (1 edition)
My Wife (1 edition)
Myrtle-Green (1 edition)
Mysteries (1 edition)
Not A Cheerful View Of It (1 edition)
Nothing New (2 editions)
One Day Too Late (1 edition)
One Room (1 edition)
One Step Nearer (1 edition)
One Year (2 editions)
Over-Anxious Parents (1 edition)
Overworked (1 edition)
Parted In Anger (2 editions)
Perdita (4 editions)
A Pin (1 edition)
Poverty and Wealth (1 edition)
Queen Augusta's Rival (1 edition)
The Question (1 edition)
Recompense (2 editions)
Reply (1 edition)
The Right Road (1 edition)
The Rivals (1 edition)
Saved (1 edition)
The Sea Breeze and the Scarf (1 edition)
Searching (1 edition)
Secret Thoughts (1 edition)
Six Words (1 edition)
Sometimes (1 edition)
Sweet danger (1 edition)
Temptation and Explanation (1 edition)
Thanksgiving (1 edition)
The Tiger (1 edition)
The True Knight (1 edition)
Trust (1 edition)
Two Careers (1 edition)
The Two Glasses (2 editions)
Two Kinds of People (2 editions)
Two Sinners (1 edition)
Unappreciated (1 edition)
Unuttered thoughts (1 edition)
A Waltz Quadrille (2 editions)
Was It A Judgement? (2 editions)
Was it Suicide? (2 editions)
The Way of It (2 editions)
What Does It Matter? (1 edition)
What Is the Use? (1 edition)
Whatever Is-Is Best (1 edition)
When Baby Souls Sail Out (1 edition)
When the Orchard Shall Bloom (2 editions)
The Wind (1 edition)
The Wish (1 edition)
Worth While (1 edition)
You Can Never Tell (1 edition)