The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

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The Chicago Ledger, v. XLIX, no. 1
Business in Mississipp
How I Turned Pleasant Hours At Home Into Dollars: A Narrative
Wanted Wits
A Hot Time Was Had By All
The Jewels of His Mind
The Chicago Ledger, v. XLVIII, no. 51
Her Last Throw and The Moment After
A Disputed Inheritance
Miss Moccasins
Master of his Fate
Fiddle and Fawn
Whoso Findeth a Wife
Woman and the Shadow
That Girl Montana
In the Alamo
Hernani, the Jew
Fascination of the King
Woman That's God
In Hampton Roads
Cheiro's Guide to the Hand
The Lady Charlotte
The Legend of the Ten Hypocrites
The Proverbs of Porky McRough
A Jug of Wine
Margaret Wynne
The Chicago Ledger, v. XLVIII, no. 50
Phoebe Tilson
In the Shadow of the Pyramids
A Modern Corsair
For Her Life
Guilty, But Innocent
Elevation of E'fum Brown
Sweetening Uncle Gorham
When True Friends Meet
Under the Ground
Two Sinners
The Titian of Tzintzuntzan
Off Half Moon Reefs
Give Me These Things
Dual Pursuits
The Chicago Ledger, v. XLVIII, no. 49
Henrietta's Wish; or, Domineering
Heart Wins
The Cost of a Lie
What's Sauce for the Gosling
A Glorious Gallop