The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Edition - A Gilded God; or, A Sin of the Past - New York Weekly edition

(source: Digital Library @ Villanova University)
Online Full Text: Digital Library @ Villanova University
Series: New York Weekly v. 60 no. 46 (chapters XIV-XVI (conclusion), page 7)
Item: A Gilded God; or, A Sin of the Past
Author: Collins, E. Burke, Mrs., 1858-1902 (pseudonym used by Sharkey, Emma Augusta)
Date: August 26, 1905
Last Sentence: "I am the only pity of the world," he says, "and even I, to every mortal thing, I come too early-or too late!" But, to Aglae, he had come none too soon-for she was ready.