The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Edition - Syria, the Jewess; or, The Magician of Toledq. A Tale of Spain in the Fifteenth Century - New York Weekly edition

(source: Stanford Libraries)
Online Full Text: Stanford Digital Repository
Series: New York Weekly v. 20 no. 5 (chapters I-III, pages 1-2)
Item: Syria, the Jewess; or, The Magician of Toledq. A Tale of Spain in the Fifteenth Century
Author: Leon, Louis (pseudonym used by Lewis, Leon, 1833-1920)
Date: December 22, 1864
First Sentence: It was the year 1492, a year rendered forever memorable in the annals of the world by the glorious event of the discovery of America by Columbus, and forever stained by the horrible persecution of the Jewish race in Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella.