The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Edition - Al, the Boy Acrobat; or, Flip-Flopping into Fame and Fortune - Pluck and Luck edition, first appearance

Series: Pluck and Luck no. 731
Item: Al, the Boy Acrobat; or, Flip-Flopping into Fame and Fortune
Author: Draper, Allyn (pseudonym used by multiple people)
Date: June 5, 1912
First Sentence: It was a beautiful day in the month of May.
Last Sentence: The youth had had his name on show-bills as "the boy acrobat" in a dozen different countries and half a dozen languages and had thus "flip-flopped into fame," and by leaving Wyburn with Rawson's Circus he had made the acquaintance of Sam Stokes and Marie and had learned who he was and had recovered his property-had "flip-flopped into fortune" as well-in fact, he had, as the sub-title of the story states, "Flip-flopped into Fame and Fortune."