The Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography

Edition - The Boomerang - Brave and Bold edition

(source: Digital Library @ Villanova University)
Online Full Text: Digital Library @ Villanova University
Series: Brave and Bold no. 362
Item: The Boomerang
Date: November 27, 1909
First Sentence: Since the memorable time when Captain Cook sailed into Botany Bay in 1769 and saw the naked native Australian poising erect to hurl his peculiar weapon, the boomerang has continued to excite the curiosity and amazement of the civilized world; and truly the finding of such a scientific weapon in the hands of this so-called lowest order of mankind is an astonishing fact, to be simply accepted as another oddity of this odd, topsy-turvy corner of the world.
Last Sentence: I knew the blacks liked to get in under cover before dark, so, with a half-crown to Long Green, some cakes for the little bushy heads, and good-bys, I walked off like a veritable savage, grasping firmly my newly made aboriginal boomerang.